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  • What is hypnosis?
    Did you fall asleep last night? Have you ever missed your exit because you were on auto-pilot on the freeway? Have you ever lost track of time doing your favorite activity? Gotten totally immersed in a movie? If you answered yes to anything above, then congratulations! You already know what it’s like to be in hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply a highly receptive learning state where you are more suggestible than usual. Thus, we use it to teach your mind healthier, more positive ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
  • How does hypnosis create change?
    There is a beautiful metaphor: analogy of a hiking trail. When hiking, people follow the trail. It’s an easy-to-follow, clear pathway that makes us feel safe. The subconscious mind works the same way. Our habits create neural pathways that are like hiking trails in the mind. We keep doing the same things whether or not we consciously want to. In hypnosis, you are in a highly receptive and suggestible state. So we start clearing out stumps and rocks to build new and better pathways. With time, the brain starts to automatically follow the new trails, the new neural pathways we’ve strengthened during hypnosis. The old pathways with unwanted thoughts, feelings, and behaviors see less and less use. Eventually the grass grows back, mushrooms sprout up here and there, and the trail fades away.
  • What is a hypnotherapy session like?
    A hypnotherapy session typically begins with a conversation to discuss your goals and concerns. Then, the hypnotherapist will guide you into a relaxed state using techniques such as deep breathing and visualization. In this state, they will work with your subconscious mind to address the specific issue or desired change. The session concludes with a gentle reorientation to the present moment.
  • What does hypnosis feel like?
    Hypnosis can feel different for each person. It often involves a deep state of relaxation, increased focus, and heightened awareness. Some people describe it as a pleasant and peaceful experience.
  • Will I lose control while hypnotized?
    No, you will not lose control while hypnotized. Hypnosis is not about giving up control but rather gaining better control over your thoughts and behaviors. You will remain aware, and you can choose to accept or reject suggestions given by the hypnotherapist.
  • Can anyone be hypnotized?
    Yes, the majority of individuals can be hypnotized to some degree. The depth and effectiveness of hypnosis may vary from person to person, but most people can benefit from hypnotherapy.
  • Is hypnosis the same as being unconscious or asleep?
    No, hypnosis is not the same as being unconscious or asleep. While in hypnosis, you are fully aware of your surroundings, and you remain in control of your thoughts and actions. It is a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus.
  • What can hypnotherapy be used for?
    Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues, including but not limited to: overcoming fears and phobias, managing stress and anxiety, improving self-confidence, enhancing motivation, eliminating unwanted habits, and promoting personal growth.
  • Can I get hypnotized through video call?
    Yes, hypnosis can be conducted effectively through video call. The hypnotist can guide you into a relaxed state of focus and deliver suggestions just as they would in an in-person session.

© 2023 by Elena Iudakova

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