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You need to feel it to HEAL IT.

*Alexander Milov - Love


Your subconscious mind is powerful, comprising about 95% of your total mind power! It keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing without you having to think twice. It sends healing cells to the site of a wound without your having to consciously instruct it. Your subconscious has learned these patterns so well that they run on autopilot.


Running on autopilot is beneficial when the pattern is something that serves you, but when you are automatically running a pattern that does not serve you it's time to make an adjustment.In the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, suggestions of what you wish to experience nestle into your subconscious. When you practice the suggestions you interrupt loops of disruptive thoughts and growing new beliefs and behaviors that improve your life.


Hypnotherapy works by utilizing the power of focused relaxation. In this relaxed state, known as hypnosis, your subconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions and new ways of thinking. 


Elena Iudakova

My name is Elena, and I am a certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. I work with imagery, age regression, parts therapy, and past-life regression. The beginning point of therapy started with the sport's massage. When working with the body, engaging in conversations with clients, and following my intuitive call, I felt that the body represents only one realm of tension or stress we are going through. The other realm is hidden away. In 2019, I'd almost applied for a life-coaching course, but a few weeks before, I had a sequence of clients who were saying the same thing: "The years spent in therapy talking about my problems have gotten me nowhere." I agreed: when we have a toothache, the dentist doesn't work on it for 10 years. While recovering from another episode of the same pattern I was trapped in for 10 years, I decided to do an experiment (there is nothing to lose anymore!), and signed up for a few sessions with a hypnotherapist. And that has changed the way this pattern is done. I have received confirmation of the direct influence of self concept on external outcomes (what reality broadcasts to us). 2022 and 2023: I was busy with the hypnotherapy course. Along with NLP and a time-line workshop, flavored with never-ending self-education in the area of mind-body. What I like about hypnosis is that this modality is not about fixing, as we are already whole and complete. It is about support in the inner journey to find the answers deep inside. I have the tools and techniques to support you on this road. If you are still reading... No one can know better than you how you are being drawn to certain healers and specific healing modalities. Usually, it's a gut feeling. By clicking around on this site, certainly you are following your gut feelings, even (and especially) without thinking about it. Regarding experience, that is really all there is in life. Words don't teach. Only self-experience does. I could tell you all about my experiences, but still, you could only learn from that which you resonate.


1. Some people can’t be hypnotized.

2. Intelligent people can’t be hypnotized

3.  Under hypnosis you will always tell the truth and could even reveal personal secrets

4.  I won't remember anything the hypnotist says.

5.  A person can get stuck in a trance forever.

6.  You can be hypnotized to do things against your will.


1. Everyone has the ability to be hypnotized because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enter at least twice each day – upon awakening and falling asleep. We also enter a hypnotic state whenever we get totally engrossed in a movie or TV show.

2. Quite the contrary, studies suggest that people of above average intelligence who are capable of concentrating and who have a capacity for creativity and vivid imagination usually make the best subjects.

3.  You can lie under hypnosis just as easily as in the waking state. In fact, as hypnosis gives you greater access to unconscious resources, you may even be able to tell more creative lies when in trance. Additionally, you are in complete control of what you choose to reveal or conceal.

4.  Everyone experiences hypnosis differently: for some it's a state in which you are focused on the hypnotists words and listening more carefully, for others it's a little more like day dreaming and your attention may drift and wander; sometimes not paying any conscious attention to what the hypnotist is saying.  

5.  No one has ever been stuck in a hypnotic trance. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we enter and exit during the normal course of a day. If the hypnotist fails to emerge someone from hypnosis, he/she will return to a fully alert state on their own.

6. During a hypnotic session, you are completely aware of everything going on. Hilgard’s (1977) work at Stanford demonstrated a principle known as “The Hidden Observer” which indicates that there is part of the client which monitors the hypnotic process and which will protect them from responding in a manner that violates their ethical and moral standards.

A Survey of Psychotherapy Literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., which was later reprinted in American Health Magazine, revealed the following recovery rates:

Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions.

Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions.

Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions.

If talk therapy has left you feeling stuck, consider the reasons why.  In traditional psychotherapy, you’re engaging mostly the conscious part of your mind.  But most emotional reactions that we develop are formed at the subconscious level.  Therefore, it’s simply not enough to address these issues at the conscious level alone. 



1 Cavalcade road,

Green Point,

Cape Town


073 155 9023

© 2023 by Elena Iudakova

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